To bake the best cupcakes, just we have to find the recipe that we want to prepare. Today we can find many tasty recipes by internet. Baking cupcakes is an exact science, we must follow recipes carefully, if we alter some measure the cupcake can change the taste or texture, unless we are creating a new recipe, it is best to respect the original recipe.
This is a basic recipe for beginners, it is easy to prepare and tasty.
Baking ingredients Cupcakes
It is advisable to use the ingredients at room temperature, this allows the ingredients are incorporated more easily into the mix. To prepare the mass cupcakes we need 200 g. sugar, 120 g. mild olive oil, 3 large eggs, 200 g. wheat flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 120 g. milk and 1 tsp essence of vanilla.
Procedure to prepare Cupcakes
1.- We should preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
2.- Place the olive oil and sugar in the bowl.
3.- Beat at medium speed.
4.- Add the eggs and beat.
5.- Beat at medium speed.
6.- Sift flour through a sieve.
7.- Add the baking powder.
8.- Add the teaspoon of vanilla extract or chocolate powder.
9.- Add milk and mix.
10.- Continue stirring in order to obtain a homogeneous mass.
11.- Divide the mass into the molds.
12.- Bake for 20 minutes or until the mass to rise completely and let cool before decorating the cupcakes.
Remember that to achieve a spongy and tasty cupcake, we should follow recipes!